Department of Special Investigation (DSI) chief Tharit Pengdit said On July 25, warrants will be sought for the arrest of another three suspects, Kiat Sumsri, Sek and Phan (last names not known), in the bomb blowup in front of the Big C department store on Ratchadamri road.Gen Panlop said he would not get involved in activity of the red shirts rally in April.After Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol (Seh Daeng)died, Gen Panlop had not known any activities about the red shirts, he usually stays home or go to play golf. The 75-year-old retired general said he had not talked to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on the telephone.The retired senior general also insisted that he had nothing to do with former prime minister Thaksin.Now he is in self-exile overseas.The retired senior general only has the same family name,the elder cousin of Thaksin.
In my opinion, politics situation has many problems.This situation is one of violence but DSI can seek warrants for 3 suspects for prosecution.I believe the government wants to ensure peace and order in the risk areas.I hope violent situation will not happen again.I think the government try to continue for develop Thailand.Our country is disordered by some people.
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